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Charming Trim Sponsors 2024 SJ x Rivet Sustainability LA

Sep 3, 2024 1:32:36 PM

It’s Charming Trim’s mission to educate and inspire sustainability in the textile and manufacturing industry worldwide. This September, we’re bringing that mission to life as a proud sponsor of the Sourcing Journal x Rivet Sustainability Los Angeles event. 

This full-day conference covers topics ranging from California legislation to waste reduction. The goal of SJ x Rivet Sustainability LA is to empower organizations in the fashion supply chain to run sustainable, socially responsible companies. We couldn’t be more thrilled to partner up with this incredible event.

The details:

When: Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Where: ASU California Center Broadway – The Herald Examiner Building, 1111 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 

What: Workshops, talks, and networking

Event highlights

This value-packed conference features two meals, two networking breaks, and four informational sessions. The full agenda can be found on the SJ x Rivet Sustainability website, but a few standout events include:

“Lessons Learned on the Circular Journey”

Industry leaders are sharing their insights and thoughts on circularity, inspiring attendees to consider how to incorporate circularity into their own organizations. 

“California and the National Implications”

For many brands, sustainability is a core value. But as time passes, organizations are also prioritizing sustainability to remain in compliance with environmental legislation. Join experts and government representatives to discuss the emergence of sustainability laws in California — and how they could affect organizations nationwide.

“Extending the Garment Lifecycle”

A team of heavy hitters in the fashion industry are putting their heads together to discuss how lifecycle extension can impact sustainability and environmental goals. 

This diverse and compelling list of presentations and workshops make for a packed day of learning and inspiration. Attendees will, without a doubt, go back to their organizations with new ideas for reaching their sustainability goals.

Why this event matters

While it feels like sustainability has been around forever, the term only gained popularity in the late 1980s. Since then, organizations have slowly started to orient their production around environmental goals. While the fashion industry has come a long way, we still have a long way to go — so conferences like this serve a few important purposes.

Knowledge sharing

As organizations become more focused on sustainability, we can learn from one another. SJ x Rivet’s event features a few specific talks that relate to knowledge sharing about what’s worked — and what hasn’t worked — when it comes to sustainability efforts. When companies come together to share their successes and failures freely, organizations can implement effective environmental efforts without making the same mistakes as others. A rising tide lifts all boats, after all! 

Legal education

Environmental laws and regulations are emerging globally, and staying on top of changing rules isn’t easy. Events like SJ x Rivet make understanding sustainability laws more accessible for organizations in the fashion industry — and the effects of compliance are two-fold. On the one hand, compliance benefits organizations (who don’t want to face legal troubles). But compliance also benefits the globe — when organizations keep up with green laws, entire industries start to lessen their negative impact on the environment.


Finally, SJ x Rivet serves a powerful social purpose. Events like these create a culture that prioritizes sustainability and circularity. When environmental awareness becomes a social norm, more and more organizations seek to align with it. As a result, going green becomes “trending” and the environment is better off.

Charming Trim is a proud sponsor of Sourcing Journal x Rivet Sustainability LA 2024. To sign up for this educational, inspiring, and fun event, get your tickets here. We can’t wait to see you there! 

Topics: Events
Rich Ringeisen

Written by Rich Ringeisen
