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4 min read

When Is It Time for a Rebrand?

Sep 23, 2024 12:25:50 PM

Every clothing company's brand identity is woven into the fabric of its products. However, as business evolves, the brand image may start to fray. Outdated logos, inconsistent messaging, and changing consumer expectations can signal that it is time for a refresh. 

A rebrand doesn’t always require a complete design overhaul. Sometimes, small changes can make a world of difference. Subtle changes, such as the quality of materials or paper used for custom garment tags and labels, can mark a new, successful era for a brand.  


Why is brand identity important?

Consumers often purchase their clothes from multi-stores like Amazon, making it especially important for brand identities to stand out. The best way for clothing brands to stand out among the competition online is to have cohesive branding that speaks to consumers.     


4 triggers for a rebrand 

When is it time to reweave a brand’s narrative and upgrade its image? These are 4 triggers to look out for that signal it is time for a rebrand.  

Competitive analysis

When a competitor has made a sharp change in a new direction, it’s worth taking a look at your brand to see if something needs to shift. Are they leveraging a new sustainable material? Are they incorporating a technology that can change the industry? These can each serve as triggers for competitive analysis and a potential rebrand. 

Identifying competitor strategies helps pinpoint areas where a brand can improve. These valuable, evidence-based insights help brands spot gaps in the market left by competitors, locate their own place in the market, and understand the current industry standards. Comprehensive analysis highlights growth opportunities, which sometimes include strengthening brand identity.  

Change in the company

Mergers and acquisitions, expansions, changes in company vision, extensions of product lines, and shifts in market trends are only a few ways company changes impact brand identities. The overall brand identity should evolve when a company moves its product or vision in a different direction. As a result, product designs and packaging may need to change to suit new company goals and demographics. 


Strategies to save money are among the first considerations when looking for ways to improve a brand. When leadership changes or markets shift, it’s natural for budgets to tighten. As a result, a rebrand may be focused on driving down certain expenses like tags and labels. Finding a company that creates high-quality assets for lower prices is one key part of becoming more cost-effective.


Sustainability concerns are another common trigger for a company's rebrand. Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious about the history of their products and companies are becoming greener to meet strict regulations, resonate with consumer values, and lessen their impact on the globe. As a result, lots of brands are exploring new sustainable materials on the market. 

Helping brands implement sustainable and quality printed labels is one of the things Charming Trim does best.


4 questions that should guide your rebrand

I spoke to Monique Broring, Creative Director of Charming Trim, to learn about how best to execute a rebrand. She recommended balancing the answers to 4 key questions: 

How does it look?

One of the most obvious elements of a rebrand is appearances. First impressions are important, even for returning customers. When you’re choosing materials for a rebrand, ensuring that you’re using aesthetically pleasing and high-quality materials that fit your desired image is a key part of the equation. 

How much does it cost?

With cost as a common motivator for rebrands, staying within budget is a priority. However, it’s important that brands don’t “cut corners” to save money, or else they risk eroding their customer’s trust in their brand. If a company is looking to save money, they should look for manufacturers who value both quality and cost.

How sustainable is it?

Every company should be concerned with sustainability. Customers are looking for brands to take quantitative action to manufacture more eco-friendly clothes and product labels. Transparency regarding these processes is also a must. Sustainable ways to convey essential product information include DPPs (digital product passports) like Charming Trim’s Charming.Digi.  

Can you produce your product cohesively?

A final factor to keep in mind is product cohesion. Brands generally produce their garments in a variety of countries, so they need to ensure that production methods and materials are the same regardless of where the product is produced. For example, if a company uses woven labels made from 100% recycled polyester, the weaving needs to follow the same pattern in every country producing it to maintain brand identity.  


Successfully rebrand with woven and printed labels from Charming Trim

Taking appearances, cost, sustainability, and product cohesion into account makes rebranding a difficult task. Finding the right materials for a rebrand requires finding a solution that can check all the boxes across each of these areas — which isn’t an easy goal.

At Charming Trim, we pride ourselves on our ability to help you execute this balancing act. With high-quality, sustainable materials for a reasonable price, you can nail your rebrand without blowing your budget.

Contact us today for new garment labels that help you weave a new narrative.


Rich Ringeisen

Written by Rich Ringeisen
